Get started using Revel with the On-Brand Menu API.

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Revel support is currently in private beta, contact [email protected] and we’ll be in touch.


Revel categories and sub-categories will be returned as menu groups via the On-Brand Menu API. To match the behavior of the Revel POS, categories will be flattened with their sub-categories when the category and sub-category share the same name.

For example, a “Breakfast” category with a “Breakfast” sub-category will only return a single “Breakfast” group with it’s products from the On-Brand Menu API.


Revel products will be returned as menu items via the On-Brand Menu API.


Revel modifiers will be returned as sub-items from the On-Brand Menu API. Sub-items are items that do not belong to a group but are instead associated with another menu item.

<aside> 💡 The On-Brand Menu API does not currently support groups of sub-items. Revel modifier classes attached to a product will be flattened into a single list of sub-items.



Revel does not natively support calories on products but you can use the “Alternative Lookup” field to set calorie data.

The On-Brand Menu API looks for an alternative lookup value with the syntax calories:**number**. For example, to set the calories of an item to 110, add an alternative lookup value of calories:110.

Calories are only supported on products since Revel does not support “Alternate Lookup” on modifiers.


Values in the “Alternative Lookup” field of a Revel product are converted to menu item tags in the On-Brand Menu API. You can use these tags to set custom data on an item like featured or location:Napa Valley.

Provide a comma-separated list of values as the “Third Party ID” field to set menu group tags. For example, a third party ID value of entrees, featured on a category will be converted to two tags (entrees and featured) on the group.

You can use tags on groups to query for specific groups from the On-Brand Menu API.

Product Classes